Thursday 27 November 2014

This iOS 9 concept full of great ideas Apple should seriously consider

When it comes to really good concepts and ideas for iOS' future development, Ralph Theodory is second to none. Brought to you by the man that "ported" the Apple Watch round springboard to iOS 8 before the device is even remotely close to shipping, this iOS 9 concept video explores some seriously cool ideas that we feel are very worthy of Apple's consideration. Some of them make so much sense that we can't help but think they must have been tossed on the table at Cupertino at least a couple of times before they were axed out of the operating system.
Check out the ideas here, and make sure to watch the video below so you can see them in motion. This way, Ralph has made them look very believable!
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iOS 9 concept ideas by Ralph Theodory
1. Search in Settings
Easily find the setting you want by doing a fast search.

2. History in Settings
Displays every change you did in Settings so you undo it without losing yourself in menus.
3. Color Look
Customize the color of buttons, UI elements, and Control Center.
4. Night Mode
Darkens the menus to make them easy on the eyes in dim lighting.
5. Settings Everywhere
Access every app and privacy setting with a single swipe down in the switcher.
6. Close all running apps
Close open apps with a single tap, instead of swiping all running apps up.
7. Siri Spell
If Her Siriness doesn't recognize your words, it will ask you to spell it so it can learn it. Apple won't ever implement it, because let's face it, we'll all teach Siri swear words.
8. Round Springboard
Add the round springboard from Apple Watch to the Zoomed and Normal display modes
9. Language Auto Playlists
The new Music App automatically recognizes the song's language and adds it to its language playlist.
10. Smart Sleep Mode
Siri shows up every 5 or so songs to ask if you're awake. If you don't respond with a button press or speaking into your ear-phones' mic, Siri will automatically turn off music.
11. Smart Shuffle
The music player automatically finds the best set of songs and albums that will resonate with the time, weather, movement, and occasions around you.
12. New Video Feed
The Video app feeds your online video addiction with a video feed that combines all streaming apps on your device in one manageable feed.
13. Lock Screen Clock
You can customize the lock screen Clock with custom widgets.
14. Learn
The Tips app is transformed into Learn, which teaches you everything about using iOS. Google should look into something like this for Android.
15. Button Control
Assign virtual buttons on the screen and change the tasks they execute.

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